2023 News Archive
December 2023
Graduate research assistant Sean Bannon's research titled Influence of Donnan and dielectric exclusion on ion sorption in sulfonated polysulfones has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Membrane Science. This paper reports a strategy for combining Donnan exclusion, Manning counter-ion condensation, and dielectric exclusion theory to describe ion sorption in sulfonated polysulfone membranes.
December 2023
A team of UVA faculty including Profs. Koenig, Geise, El Khafif, and Colosi Peterson were awarded funding to conduct research on lithium battery recycling!
November 2023
Prof. Geise presented the group's research on Microwave dielectric relaxation spectroscopy: A technique to inform ion transport in hydrated polymer membranes and graduate student Sean Bannon presented his research on The Superposition of Dielectric and Donnan Exclusion and Their Influence on Sodium Chloride Transport in Sulfonated Polysulfone at the 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Undergraduate researchers Anna Harris and Bea Tremblay also presented posters on their research Analysis of manufacturing methods of ion exchange membranes for desalination and Monovalent ion transport in sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) membranes, respectively.
October 2023
The Geise Research Group is excited to announce that Phu Phan, Amin Tia Saasi, and Tommy Lam are joining the group. These students will be co-advised by Prof. Geise and Prof. Koenig to conduct lithium recovery and lithium ion battery recycling research at UVA.
October 2023
Prof. Geise presented the group's research on Selective ion conducting polymers for non-aqueous redox flow battery applications and Microwave dielectric relaxation spectroscopy: A technique to inform ion transport in hydrated polymer membranes at the 244th Electrochemical Society meeting in Gothenburg Sweden.

August 2023
Congratulations to Mariah Tammera on completing the Advanced Materials Synthesis Research Experience program at UVA. The group wishes Mariah all the best upon returning to studies at George Mason University!

July 2023
Graduate student Caroline Morin presented her research during the Department of Chemical Engineering Summer Seminar Series. Her presentation was titled Membrane-Based Electrolysis for Lithium Hydroxide Production from Geothermal Brine.

July 2023
Dr. Rueben Pfukwa (Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, University of Stellenbosch) is spending time this summer as a Visiting Professor in the Geise Research Group. Dr. Pfukwa is collaborating with the group to develop advanced polymers for desalination applications.
June 2023
The Geise Research Group is excited to welcome its newest member, Mariah Tammera.
Mariah is a rising 2nd year student at George Mason University and is participating in the UVA Advanced Materials Synthesis REU program.

May 2023
Sean Bannon, Anna Harris, Inara Oliveira do Carmo Nascimento, Bea Tremblay, and Charlie Leroux (left to right and top to bottom) presented their research at the 2023 North American Membrane Society Poster Session in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

May 2023
Congratulations to graduate student Sean Bannon for successfully completing his Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal titled Understanding how interactions between ions, water molecules, and polymer influence desalination transport properties of sulfonated polysulfone.
May 2023
Congratulations to Geise Research Group undergraduate researchers Anna Harris, Bea Tremblay, and Lena Keesecker for winning UVA Dept. of Chemical Engineering awards. Anna and Bea won Thomson Scholarships, and Lena won the Excellence in Leadership and Edward and Lois Paul awards.

April 2023
Geise Research Group Ph.D. students Caroline Morin (right) and Charles Leroux (left) along with Darden School of Business MBA candidates Gregory Pilchak and Aman Dar — won second place in the American-Made EnergyTech University Prize.

March 2023
Graduate student Charlie Leroux won 1st place for his oral presentation at the UVA Engineering Research Symposium (UVERS).

March 2023
Undergraduate researcher and A. James Clark Scholar Anna Harris won an Undergraduate Student Travel Award from the North American Membrane Society (NAMS) to support her participation in the 2023 NAMS Annual Meeting in Tuscaloosa. At the meeting, Anna will present a poster titled Analysis of Manufacturing Methods of Ion Exchange Membranes for Desalination.

February 2023
Team ReLi captain Caroline Morin along with Charlie Leroux and Darden MBA candidates Gregory Pilchak and Aman Dar won the South Atlantic regional round of the American-Made EnergyTech University Prize for their business plan, Sustainable Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling. The team moves on to the National Pitch Event in Austin, TX in April.

February 2023
Graduate student Charlie Leroux was awarded a NAMS Elias Klein Founders' Travel Supplement to support expenses associated with attending the 2023 North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting in Tuscaloosa.